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[ACC2012]直接PCI有利于患者长期获益——Dr Sameer Mehta专访

作者:SameerMehta 编辑:国际循环网 时间:2012/3/27 15:26:24    加入收藏
 关键字:Sameer Mehta  直接PCI 

  <International Circulation>: You talked about primary PCI and shock in your presentation today. One of the important points you made there was the necessity for extremely quick door-to-balloon times. Can you explain why this is important for shock?


  Dr Mehta: Most of it has to do with how the patient with an acute MI progresses. As the time course of the progression increases, the patients who present late are the ones who have proceeded on to pre-shock and shock clinically. When you examine their infarct-related vessels you also realize that thrombus which is generally very dynamic has adopted a more difficult morphology for treatment. It is easy to treat red friable thrombus which can be treated with simple aspiration. But as the time has progressed and the patient has gone into shock, not only are you dealing with a patient who is clinically sicker and will probably require intra-aortic balloon pumps and other inotropes and have a very difficult management, now in the cathlab you are dealing with a denser more-organized thrombus which is something you are not going to be able to treat easily. My short-term message is that probably the most relevant is that you have to work not only at the door-to-balloon time but at the patient’s true ischemic time. As soon as a patient has chest discomfort and is able to access the system, it is that that truly impacts rather than just the door-to-balloon time which may be a false indicator depending on how the patient presents and where they present. At the end of the day, if you are going to deal with the situation where STEMI interventions and primary PCI go beyond interventional cardiology and the cathlab, there are public health issues in which there are numerous stakeholders from general physicians, to interventional cardiologists, to a hospital that has to provide an environment to help administration and government offices to create an ambulance system and a public health education methodology. Finally there is going to be a large role for the societies so that they might educate the patients.


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