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[CIT2011]Drug-Eluting Balloon: From Concept to Application——Live Interview with Prof. Eric Eeckhout

作者:EricEeckhout 编辑:国际循环网 时间:2011/3/19 11:56:42    加入收藏
 关键字:药物洗脱球囊  Eric Eeckhout 再狭窄  EuroPCR 

  International Circulation: Can you give us a brief preview of the upcoming EuroPCR meeting?
  Dr. Eeckhout: The program will be very dense as usual and will be held in Paris again this year. We have tried at AsiaPCR in Singapore a new concept for the main sessions and it worked out very well. This means that we will have case presentations in the main program. We will try to combine clinical cases and complication cases in the main session, make the lectures shorter and more focused, use more recorded cases, and there will be a lot of innovation. Finally, there will be many case review sessions and we will attempt to implement as many local societies and even those outside of Europe as possible in the program.

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